Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Understanding your Adopted Child's Needs...

20 Things Adoptive Parents Need to Succeed!

Summer time can be very busy for most families... 
While vacationing with my kids I noticed a change in my daughter.
Zoe was not her happy self and was acting out quite a bit most days.

The constant coming and going was difficult for her
I had to take a step back and realize how out of sync this must have felt for her... Zoe was missing her Dad, her daily schedule and the quiet time she gets on a daily basis...  

As an adoptive parent, I needed to look within my daughter and know what comforts her.  What may be normal for my son is not for my daughter.  Learning to take a step back and learning Zoe's  normal has made a big difference in her comfort and stability.

This has allowed me to create a safe place for her and a deeper connection in our relationship and all her relationships. 

Understanding our adopted children is a gift... I now have a deeper understanding on what it may feel like to have been adopted and the journey of adoption. 

This has been possible through reading 2 important books...
These are both a must read! Written by: Adoptee and Adoption Coach, Sherrie Eldridge

Visit our Adoption Books 

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